This will be my day to day journal of network marketing from home, training and teaching the traditional Japanese martial art, Aikido, and most importantly, helping others achieve their own dreams. I want to pull others with me to their goals the way I have been pulled up to success.
Well, I purchased a program from Mike Dillard that is supposed to help with Network Marketing information overload. I hope it helps, although even though there, it seems there is so much coming with the package that I risk overload there too.
Well, we shall see. I knew working from home wouldn't be as easy as all of the banner ads you see. I think I am getting a handle on things. I took short breaks every hour or so, I made sure that at least PART of what I do during the day at home is enjoyment. I also work out on the FreeStrider, and do Aikido weapons practice, because health and fitness are very important to me since I'm a kidney transplant patient.
Well, as soon as I get the info from the "What's Working Now" program, I will post my thoughts and outcome. MASA KATSU AGATSU (True Victory is Self Victory)
Hello Everyone. Please remember that just because you made a video or blog or tweet, etc, about a certain subject, it does not mean that you can not create a brand new one about the VERY SAME THING. Now, some of you might be saying, but that's almost like SPAM. Well, I certainly don't want ANYONE just changing a word or two, posting it back up and representing it as completely new copy. That will not get you anywhere with perspective clients, and CERTAINLY could get you banned from various social media and/or search websites.
What I did here, was to rethink what I was trying to say as an introduction of myself and Carbon Copy Pro. Yes, there is some data that is the same, but if you compare, the level of detail is completely different and the focus is no where close. Here is basically what I said in the new video:
Hello everyone. My name is Joe Varano. Normally this is where a lot of people begin their very long and drawn out story about themselves.
You want to know about me? I can sum it up fairly quickly.
I'm a kidney transplant patient that worked in the cubicle farms of corporate america for over a decade. I'm also a martial artist and have been a practitioner of a traditional Japenese martial art called Aikido since 1992 and am now also an instructor. Being an Aikido instructor has been one of my dreams for a long time. Yes, you just heard that. I have already accomplished one of my lifestyle dreams. As I grow my business, I am closer to many more, including buying a 3rd home in a warm locale. Now, let's get to the real reason I want to talk to YOU.
I want to somehow convince you to take action today. I knew at my last corporate position after getting a pay cut while the directors and higher received their bonueses that I would never work for someone else again. I'm not a rocket scientist, and haven't cured any major diseases. What I did was take action. I did my homework (which I want you to do as well), looked at who was successful while still living the type of lifestyle I wanted. I then learned as much as I could about what they did day to day, who they networked with, what they learned and who they modeled to get where they are. And I did and am still doing the same thing. You can to. I mean it. Today, right now, you can make the decision, enter in your information, and I'll begin to bring you into the same world of ultra successful entrepeneurs. That's right. I'm willing to give my time to you, one on one,as long as you really are interested and put effort into this, and show you how to begin to reach for your dreams.
I hope you come along with me. I hope to see you on the other side of this page. Thank you. Have a great day, and remember: True Victory is Self Victory!
It gets harder and harder in this world of excess (too much information, too much to do, too much to spend, etc) for the average person to prioritize well enough to actually accomplish their goals. Notice I said the average person. Most people who are entering into their own person are by no means average. They have decided to take action, they are implementing a course of events they believe will put them and their loved ones, and/or associates, in a better position. Of course, being this type of person could make my 1st statement all the more germane. In the beginning of any home based business, small business, or MLM, you put (I say you, but to be honest, that was me too) a gigantic amount pressure and stress on your shoulders, which makes it even MORE difficult to concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes at a time. We all want to do everything, help everyone, learn and read everything anyone has ever written, blogged, recorded, you tubed, and Tweeted about network marketing that exists. (I need to breathe after that sentence)
The key I have learned from those who have already succeeded (which is what you want to do) is to take 3-8 minutes at the end of your day, turn off your TV, and make a quick to do list. Not a goal list of what you want to own a year from now, or what kind of car you want to drive. Those are valid goal and dream lists, but they're not what you do EVERY day. Let me give you an example of my list for tomorrow (notice I give an estimated time I want to perform. This helps to give yourself time limits and be more efficient):
Pick up prescription - 1 hour round trip
watch 2 instructional videos on CCPro website - 45-60 mins
watch/listen to 1 training from Mike Dillard's site - 45-60 mins
Research more into Google Keywords marketing (cost/benefit) - 45 mins
Make turkey meatballs and sauce - (40 mins)
Throw in Laundry (5 mins)
Practice Bass guitar - 45 mins
Make video for blog and you tube (and utilize web 2.0 sites) - 35 mins total time
There, as I watched it took 6 minutes to write that up, and honestly it only took that long because I wanted to make sure you would understand everything. Usually I put everything on a pad and paper next to my laptop.
Do this for EVERY day. Even on the days you plan on resting just write one bullet point and write REST. As you check things off, you learn to dissipate any feeling of being overwhelmed.
Everyone, have a good night, and PLEASE, never hesitate to ask me a question. I do this so that YOU will succeed.
Joe "AikidoJoe" Varano
Feel free to check out my site where I go into the business side of things more.
Good morning everyone, AikidoJoe here. As you know by now I'm very interested in martial arts and aikido in particular. However, tonight I took a night off from class to let some sore parts heal, and to be on a couple different network marketing conference calls. Because even though I am here to help mentor you, and to help show you how to be successful in your endeavors, I still need to train myself because there is always something to learn.
In fact that brings me to my topic tonight. I've decided to make a series of videos and blogs that deal with the subject of my failures, because it is from our failures that we truly learn. Hopefully through this series you'll learn from the mistakes I made, before you ever do. My first attempt at building a network of sales and/or distributors and/or educators was when I was 19 and I was actually attempting to sell and market knockoff perfume and cologne. I'll probably also delve into my repeated stints in college, or should I say colleges? That's all the detail for this morning.
I want you all to remember that everybody who is successful is only successful because they've had a series of prior failures and didn't stop. They learned from the mistakes, changed their behavior, learning to model it on those were already successful, and went right on down the path. remember that if you have any questions about what I'd do or what I can offer you please head on over to some of my websites well throw a lot of free information that is very valuable to people who are looking to expand their home based business, MLM, or small local business.
Have a great day and I look forward to your continued success.
Many people out there, feel that home-based businesses are just not for them because they don't have the discipline. I'm here to tell you that is not the case. I am someone who lacks discipline and organization skills. I am the atypical computer geek with ADD. Just as it's very difficult to go cold turkey when quitting cigarettes, you can't just jump into a new lifestyle and have the discipline to be perfect at it immediately.Let your coaches and the people at the top, mold your behavior, your processes. Let them be your tugboat to slowly push you in the lane you need to be in. Carbon Copy Pro has the materials, the coaches, and the proven track record so you really need to use everything that you have available to you.
While I have been doing this for a little while now, and have had definite success, it was just this week that it dawned on me that I was stuck getting ready. I need to stop thinking about things and just do them. And what made me realize this was teaching a class at Aikido. Trying to have someone learn a martial art by speaking to them is nearly impossible, they need to do it to have that knowledge transferred into their brain to where it becomes a pattern of behavior. The same goes true for any knowledge that you need to apply. So I guess with this block is summed up with is take action stop trying to philosophize about things and just take a step towards what you want.I hope you take action and come along for the journey. I would love to be your coach and transfer the knowledge you need to become the success you desire.