Monday, May 24, 2010

To answer a question about Aikido

Well, I was in a funk, but some very positive people were helpful in snapping me out of it.

To answer the question about what Aikido is, I'll keep it as non-technical as possible (if interested, feel free to ask more). It's basically the kinesiology of self defense. Ok, too vague? heh.  Basically it's a derivitive of Jujitsu (not the Gracie ground fighting UFC stuff, but the original Japanese self defense styles). You can think of it like similar to Judo with the throws and chokes, but add in joint locks and pins. We also do wooden weapons practice which directly translates into the movement we use for hand to hand. There's not really any kicks because we prefer to be centered and balanced at all times. To us, the worst thing you can do is go to the ground (we do it, but it's a last ditch effort). Think of it this way. If you're in a bar fight, you don't want to take an opponent to the ground. You might succeed in succumbing them, but then you have to worry about his friends kicking in your ribs while you're doing it. Better to throw the guy into a table or his friend's legs, and withdrawal yourself from the situation.
So anyway, dancing the other night was good. The band New Kings of Rhythm is really a great live band. Now tonight, I'm going to go train, but am only going to the 1st class as I have to rush home to see the Flyers game. And yes, I have to. Being from Philly, orange is in my blood.
Have a good Monday people. I'm trying to! Need to get some oatmeal in me, and then have some of the leftover grilled organic chicken that I have. Man I love grilled food.

- Joe

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Holy Work Out Results Batman!

Forget Doing Long Bouts of Cardio!

Ok, so I thought I'd change it up a little this week as I was bored and un-motivated. While I'm obviously never going to stop doing Aikido, I've been looking for something that would get my heart rate up, lungs pumping but still build some muscle unlike the typical cardio I do.  My body seems to adjust too quickly to the cardio and I don't see the results.  If I only do weight training it makes me WAY too tired to do Aikido effectively which can be dangerous, especially since I'm already training with an inured shoulder and wrist. (I know I shouldn't be)

So, I found this free video and while I can't even properly perform the jump push ups the guy demonstrates, I understand where he's coming from.  Doing ultra-dynamic low weight and/or body weight movements can really change up the routine.  I've already noticed my waist lost a little, and I just feel awesome.  Check it out, and think about the philosophy behind it.   It certainly helps with time.  As some of you know I've really been pushing to get my home business off the ground, but I don't want to forget about my health. Studies show that people who are in better physical condition are more productive when working.

Hope it helps!

True Victory is Self Victory - Morihei Ueshiba



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Organic Food

There's a lot of debate about Organic Food, but it's not just about whether you should eat it. Personally, I think it just makes sense to put in as few chemicals into your body as you can help. Being a Kidney Transplant, a martial artist, and already on several various medicines and other surgeries, I think my body has been through enough. I have also newly taken on an endeavor to start my own network marketing and wealth education business. I have found that because I am a driven person, I have been putting more effort into getting it started correctly than I ever did in the corporate world, although that could be a hefty load as well.

But there's also a real debate about the definition of what Organic is. Many companies are trying to squeak into the market (which has seen increased profits, and can market themselves at a higher price point) by just doing the legal minimum, or sometimes not even that. Know your sources. Do your research, ask questions. It does NOT take up that much more effort.

Here's a good article on the subject.

True Victory is Self Victory

Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Gateway to Wealth -

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Need something new to get rid of those love handles?

Hating Those Love Handles

There are a lot of things to do to try and get over that "hump" or plateau that a lot of people reach after working out for a while.  Like a lot of you, I was initially very ecstatic about the fact that my pants were fitting better (or at all), and that I had energy and breath left after going up and down flights of stairs, heh!

But then I hit that wall, and stopped noticing any further progress.  I thought, maybe I'm not eating as well as I was. Maybe I'm working too hard. I have been putting in crazy hours to get my network marketing business (hey that's not a plug for LOL!) off the ground.

I've found out that the key is to change it up.  Change everything.  The amount of times I eat in a day (keeping the caloric intake correct) the intensity, duration, and times per day I do physical activity. For an example, one of the things I have started to do, is to get my heart pumping 2 times day, for shorter times. I used to go straight to the FreeStrider after Aikido. Now, I go home, rest, eat, wait another hour, and THEN, hit it. This changes things up so it forces my body to adapt to the changes.

In the following newsletter, there are some interesting view points on how to change things up. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Hope you enjoy.  Feel free to comment (and to visit my site too, lol!).

True Victory is Self Victory


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top Online Business Opportunities

How many different ads, emails, etc can you get that are all vying for your attention saying "we are the best online opportunity"? Well, the number is truly staggering.
Now, personally, I've found Carbon Copy Pro, and Wealth Master International to be the best, and I'm focusing on them. But the truth is, there is no "Top Online Business Opportunity", but several dozen.

One of the newest trends is to charge you money to learn how to market on free social media (also known as Web 2.0) Many articles like the following discuss which is the best method to promote your business, Facebook or Google:

The trick, of course, is your belief, the action you take, and your follow through. If you find one that you can and WILL take action on, then that is the one that works.

Remember, you are the one who determines your success, not the system you follow.

True Victory is Self Victory


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blood Pressure - a simple step to control

OK, in addition to being a martial artist and a Network Marketer, I'm also a kidney transplant patient.  As such, keeping my blood pressure in check is very important.  Among watching my sodium (not salt) intake, drinking water, and trying to keep my body fat down, research has shown that substances in certain foods can help to maintain or lower your blood pressure.

Check out this article, it purports that grape juice (and being me, I would recommend going organic) on a daily basis, is a good food to help.

True Victory is Self Victory


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easy Step to help Take Off the Weight

You've heard it a thousand times, but it's true. Drink water. You should be drinking it throughout the day, especially if you're on a fitness program AND/OR you work in a climate controlled corporate environment (or airplane) where the air tends to be dry and you become quickly dehydrated.

Check out this article about an effective way to rid yourself of some unwanted weight with the help of drinking water.

It's certainly going to help if you're on the phone a lot talking to your leads. (Hint Hint!)

And remember, try to make sure it's a good, clean source!

True Victory is Self Victory