Monday, May 24, 2010

To answer a question about Aikido

Well, I was in a funk, but some very positive people were helpful in snapping me out of it.

To answer the question about what Aikido is, I'll keep it as non-technical as possible (if interested, feel free to ask more). It's basically the kinesiology of self defense. Ok, too vague? heh.  Basically it's a derivitive of Jujitsu (not the Gracie ground fighting UFC stuff, but the original Japanese self defense styles). You can think of it like similar to Judo with the throws and chokes, but add in joint locks and pins. We also do wooden weapons practice which directly translates into the movement we use for hand to hand. There's not really any kicks because we prefer to be centered and balanced at all times. To us, the worst thing you can do is go to the ground (we do it, but it's a last ditch effort). Think of it this way. If you're in a bar fight, you don't want to take an opponent to the ground. You might succeed in succumbing them, but then you have to worry about his friends kicking in your ribs while you're doing it. Better to throw the guy into a table or his friend's legs, and withdrawal yourself from the situation.
So anyway, dancing the other night was good. The band New Kings of Rhythm is really a great live band. Now tonight, I'm going to go train, but am only going to the 1st class as I have to rush home to see the Flyers game. And yes, I have to. Being from Philly, orange is in my blood.
Have a good Monday people. I'm trying to! Need to get some oatmeal in me, and then have some of the leftover grilled organic chicken that I have. Man I love grilled food.

- Joe

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Holy Work Out Results Batman!

Forget Doing Long Bouts of Cardio!

Ok, so I thought I'd change it up a little this week as I was bored and un-motivated. While I'm obviously never going to stop doing Aikido, I've been looking for something that would get my heart rate up, lungs pumping but still build some muscle unlike the typical cardio I do.  My body seems to adjust too quickly to the cardio and I don't see the results.  If I only do weight training it makes me WAY too tired to do Aikido effectively which can be dangerous, especially since I'm already training with an inured shoulder and wrist. (I know I shouldn't be)

So, I found this free video and while I can't even properly perform the jump push ups the guy demonstrates, I understand where he's coming from.  Doing ultra-dynamic low weight and/or body weight movements can really change up the routine.  I've already noticed my waist lost a little, and I just feel awesome.  Check it out, and think about the philosophy behind it.   It certainly helps with time.  As some of you know I've really been pushing to get my home business off the ground, but I don't want to forget about my health. Studies show that people who are in better physical condition are more productive when working.

Hope it helps!

True Victory is Self Victory - Morihei Ueshiba



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Organic Food

There's a lot of debate about Organic Food, but it's not just about whether you should eat it. Personally, I think it just makes sense to put in as few chemicals into your body as you can help. Being a Kidney Transplant, a martial artist, and already on several various medicines and other surgeries, I think my body has been through enough. I have also newly taken on an endeavor to start my own network marketing and wealth education business. I have found that because I am a driven person, I have been putting more effort into getting it started correctly than I ever did in the corporate world, although that could be a hefty load as well.

But there's also a real debate about the definition of what Organic is. Many companies are trying to squeak into the market (which has seen increased profits, and can market themselves at a higher price point) by just doing the legal minimum, or sometimes not even that. Know your sources. Do your research, ask questions. It does NOT take up that much more effort.

Here's a good article on the subject.

True Victory is Self Victory

Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Gateway to Wealth -

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Need something new to get rid of those love handles?

Hating Those Love Handles

There are a lot of things to do to try and get over that "hump" or plateau that a lot of people reach after working out for a while.  Like a lot of you, I was initially very ecstatic about the fact that my pants were fitting better (or at all), and that I had energy and breath left after going up and down flights of stairs, heh!

But then I hit that wall, and stopped noticing any further progress.  I thought, maybe I'm not eating as well as I was. Maybe I'm working too hard. I have been putting in crazy hours to get my network marketing business (hey that's not a plug for LOL!) off the ground.

I've found out that the key is to change it up.  Change everything.  The amount of times I eat in a day (keeping the caloric intake correct) the intensity, duration, and times per day I do physical activity. For an example, one of the things I have started to do, is to get my heart pumping 2 times day, for shorter times. I used to go straight to the FreeStrider after Aikido. Now, I go home, rest, eat, wait another hour, and THEN, hit it. This changes things up so it forces my body to adapt to the changes.

In the following newsletter, there are some interesting view points on how to change things up. It's free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Hope you enjoy.  Feel free to comment (and to visit my site too, lol!).

True Victory is Self Victory


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top Online Business Opportunities

How many different ads, emails, etc can you get that are all vying for your attention saying "we are the best online opportunity"? Well, the number is truly staggering.
Now, personally, I've found Carbon Copy Pro, and Wealth Master International to be the best, and I'm focusing on them. But the truth is, there is no "Top Online Business Opportunity", but several dozen.

One of the newest trends is to charge you money to learn how to market on free social media (also known as Web 2.0) Many articles like the following discuss which is the best method to promote your business, Facebook or Google:

The trick, of course, is your belief, the action you take, and your follow through. If you find one that you can and WILL take action on, then that is the one that works.

Remember, you are the one who determines your success, not the system you follow.

True Victory is Self Victory


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blood Pressure - a simple step to control

OK, in addition to being a martial artist and a Network Marketer, I'm also a kidney transplant patient.  As such, keeping my blood pressure in check is very important.  Among watching my sodium (not salt) intake, drinking water, and trying to keep my body fat down, research has shown that substances in certain foods can help to maintain or lower your blood pressure.

Check out this article, it purports that grape juice (and being me, I would recommend going organic) on a daily basis, is a good food to help.

True Victory is Self Victory


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easy Step to help Take Off the Weight

You've heard it a thousand times, but it's true. Drink water. You should be drinking it throughout the day, especially if you're on a fitness program AND/OR you work in a climate controlled corporate environment (or airplane) where the air tends to be dry and you become quickly dehydrated.

Check out this article about an effective way to rid yourself of some unwanted weight with the help of drinking water.

It's certainly going to help if you're on the phone a lot talking to your leads. (Hint Hint!)

And remember, try to make sure it's a good, clean source!

True Victory is Self Victory

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dealing with Stress? Learn from the Martial Arts

Being an ex-corporate person, I certainly know what stress is. Soo many times a project time table would be halved suddenly, or responsibilities would be piled on just to make management look good for doing more with less. The only more and less you are aware of then, is your blood pressure being more, and your free time and wallet being less.

Well, of course I am done with that world. I have placed myself in a position to make my own timelines, responsibilities and even how much goes into my wallet. Not that there isn't still stress. There always will be and in my opinion SHOULD be.  It is through dealing with the threat or experience of failure that we learn to strive.

But how do we deal with it and not fold, or have an aneurysm?

Well, I'm also a martial artist and I've learned that the same techniques that enable me to be calm while a bokken (wooden sword) is moving swiftly towards opening my skull, are the same ones that I can use when dealing with whatever else comes down the pike.  Oh yeah, I was able to dodge the bokken and perform my counter technique.

Check out this related article and see how breathing, meditation, and objectivity can all help to reduce stress, and in my case, even help with anxiety.

Until next time, Masa Katsu Agatsu! (True Victory is Self Victory)

- Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Self Defense for Women

First of all, having trained with women, it is completely untrue that they are the weaker sex.  If a woman is taught how to correctly position themselves in a confrontation, using awareness, and their center of gravity, then look out.  The key of course, is that training.  Something I feel every woman should take on.

Here is a good article on a site that talks about Self Defense for Women:

True Victory is Self Victory

Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Tough days Marketing?

OK, so today was soo nice out, and I have been trying to go through my network marketing educational material so I know it down pat for all of you. That means it hasn't been easy to concentrate.  On a normal day I have ADD tendencies.  I mean, most computer (or ex-computer as the case is with myself) people are.  The key is to do one thing at a time.  Read an idea, implement it, then take a 5 minute (NO MORE!) break. This may sound odd, but a good trick is to concentrate on your breathing.  This calms those over anxious people (like myself) who want to help everyone immediately all the time, right now. :o)
Yes, the weather definitely made me quite ambitious and optimistic today.  It helps that I've re-connected (and am about to call) my Carbon Copy Pro sponsor because I'm going to upgrade to M1, AND I recently purchased before they were gone, a copy and membership to Mike Dillard's What's Working Now.  Great stuff, and I already have 9000 ideas I want to follow through with.  I just have to write them down.  READ THAT AGAIN! I have to write them down.  Write your ideas and to do list down. Are you getting a hint here? :o) Anyway, I haven't made another video of myself, though I will be doing so later tonight.  In the meantime, I will upload another small clip from Aikido class we had this previous Wednesday.  Hope you enjoy, and keep at it!

True Victory is Self Victory!

Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Injury results won't slow my forward life progress.

I'm going to have to take it easy physically for a couple weeks so I can heal. Until then, I am going to work on helping my business grow by helping others with theirs. I'm also going to help the dojo grow. Part of the way I will do that is the same way I market my Carbon Copy Pro and Wealth Masters International business, and the way you would promote any business. Tonight I have a little video of part of class:
Well, Aikidojoe was laid up tonight. Since I am supposed to take it easy on my left wrist with it's tendinitis, and my left shoulder, which has a full thickness tear of the anterior aspect of the supraspinatus tendon, I decided to be the dojo photographer/videographer tonight. Here's one video short of Donovan Waite doing a technique called Irimi-Nage which means entering throw. When done properly it's a powerful move.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So much, it beomes OverLoad!

Well, I purchased a program from Mike Dillard that is supposed to help with Network Marketing information overload. I hope it helps, although even though there, it seems there is so much coming with the package that I risk overload there too.

Well, we shall see. I knew working from home wouldn't be as easy as all of the banner ads you see. I think I am getting a handle on things. I took short breaks every hour or so, I made sure that at least PART of what I do during the day at home is enjoyment. I also work out on the FreeStrider, and do Aikido weapons practice, because health and fitness are very important to me since I'm a kidney transplant patient.

Well, as soon as I get the info from the "What's Working Now" program, I will post my thoughts and outcome. MASA KATSU AGATSU (True Victory is Self Victory)

Joe "AikidoJoe" Varano

Monday, March 29, 2010

So I changed my intro

Hello Everyone. Please remember that just because you made a video or blog or tweet, etc, about a certain subject, it does not mean that you can not create a brand new one about the VERY SAME THING. Now, some of you might be saying, but that's almost like SPAM. Well, I certainly don't want ANYONE just changing a word or two, posting it back up and representing it as completely new copy. That will not get you anywhere with perspective clients, and CERTAINLY could get you banned from various social media and/or search websites.

What I did here, was to rethink what I was trying to say as an introduction of myself and Carbon Copy Pro. Yes, there is some data that is the same, but if you compare, the level of detail is completely different and the focus is no where close. Here is basically what I said in the new video:

Hello everyone. My name is Joe Varano. Normally this is where a lot of people begin their very long and drawn out story about themselves.

You want to know about me? I can sum it up fairly quickly.

I'm a kidney transplant patient that worked in the cubicle farms of corporate america for over a decade. I'm also a martial artist and have been a practitioner of a traditional Japenese martial art called Aikido since 1992 and am now also an instructor. Being an Aikido instructor has been one of my dreams for a long time. Yes, you just heard that. I have already accomplished one of my lifestyle dreams. As I grow my business, I am closer to many more, including buying a 3rd home in a warm locale. Now, let's get to the real reason I want to talk to YOU.

I want to somehow convince you to take action today. I knew at my last corporate position after getting a pay cut while the directors and higher received their bonueses that I would never work for someone else again. I'm not a rocket scientist, and haven't cured any major diseases. What I did was take action. I did my homework (which I want you to do as well), looked at who was successful while still living the type of lifestyle I wanted. I then learned as much as I could about what they did day to day, who they networked with, what they learned and who they modeled to get where they are. And I did and am still doing the same thing. You can to. I mean it. Today, right now, you can make the decision, enter in your information, and I'll begin to bring you into the same world of ultra successful entrepeneurs. That's right. I'm willing to give my time to you, one on one,as long as you really are interested and put effort into this, and show you how to begin to reach for your dreams.

I hope you come along with me. I hope to see you on the other side of this page. Thank you. Have a great day, and remember: True Victory is Self Victory!

You can see the video here:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Balance for people running their own show

It gets harder and harder in this world of excess (too much information, too much to do, too much to spend, etc) for the average person to prioritize well enough to actually accomplish their goals. Notice I said the average person. Most people who are entering into their own person are by no means average. They have decided to take action, they are implementing a course of events they believe will put them and their loved ones, and/or associates, in a better position. Of course, being this type of person could make my 1st statement all the more germane. In the beginning of any home based business, small business, or MLM, you put (I say you, but to be honest, that was me too) a gigantic amount pressure and stress on your shoulders, which makes it even MORE difficult to concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes at a time.  We all want to do everything, help everyone, learn and read everything anyone has ever written, blogged, recorded, you tubed, and Tweeted about network marketing that exists. (I need to breathe after that sentence)

The key I have learned from those who have already succeeded (which is what you want to do) is to take 3-8 minutes at the end of your day, turn off your TV, and make a quick to do list.  Not a goal list of what you want to own a year from now, or what kind of car you want to drive.  Those are valid goal and dream lists, but they're not what you do EVERY day.  Let me give you an example of my list for tomorrow (notice I give an estimated time I want to perform. This helps to give yourself time limits and be more efficient):
  • Pick up prescription - 1 hour round trip
  • watch 2 instructional videos on CCPro website - 45-60 mins
  • watch/listen to 1 training from Mike Dillard's site - 45-60 mins
  • Research more into Google Keywords marketing (cost/benefit) - 45 mins
  • Make turkey meatballs and sauce - (40 mins)
  • Throw in Laundry (5 mins)
  • Practice Bass guitar - 45 mins
  • Make video for blog and you tube (and utilize web 2.0 sites) - 35 mins total time
  • Aikido - 3.5 hours round trip (2 hours class) - remember HD camcorder
There, as I watched it took 6 minutes to write that up, and honestly it only took that long because I wanted to make sure you would understand everything.  Usually I put everything on a pad and paper next to my laptop.
Do this for EVERY day.  Even on the days you plan on resting just write one bullet point and write REST.  As you check things off, you learn to dissipate any feeling of being overwhelmed.

Everyone, have a good night, and PLEASE, never hesitate to ask me a question.  I do this so that YOU will succeed.

Joe "AikidoJoe" Varano
Feel free to check out my site where I go into the business side of things more.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Learning from your past Mistakes and NEVER quitting

Good morning everyone, AikidoJoe here.  As you know by now I'm very interested in martial arts and aikido in particular.  However, tonight I took a night off from class to let some sore parts heal, and to be on a couple different network marketing conference calls.  Because even though I am here to help mentor you, and to help show you how to be successful in your endeavors, I still need to train myself because there is always something to learn. 

In fact that brings me to my topic tonight.  I've decided to make a series of videos and blogs that deal with the subject of my failures, because it is from our failures that we truly learn.  Hopefully through this series you'll learn from the mistakes I made, before you ever do.  My first attempt at building a network of sales and/or distributors and/or educators was when I was 19 and I was actually attempting to sell and market knockoff perfume and cologne.  I'll probably also delve into my repeated stints in college, or should I say colleges?  That's all the detail for this morning. 

I want you all to remember that everybody who is successful is only successful because they've had a series of prior failures and didn't stop.  They learned from the mistakes, changed their behavior, learning to model it on those were already successful, and went right on down the path. remember that if you have any questions about what I'd do or what I can offer you please head on over to some of my websites well throw a lot of free information that is very valuable to people who are looking to expand their home based business, MLM, or small local business. 

Have a great day and I look forward to your continued success.

Thank you,

Joe "AikidoJoe" Varano


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Home Based Business

Home Based Businesses

Many people out there, feel that home-based businesses are just not for them because they don't have the discipline. I'm here to tell you that is not the case. I am someone who lacks discipline and organization skills. I am the atypical computer geek with ADD. Just as it's very difficult to go cold turkey when quitting cigarettes, you can't just jump into a new lifestyle and have the discipline to be perfect at it immediately. Let your coaches and the people at the top, mold your behavior, your processes. Let them be your tugboat to slowly push you in the lane you need to be in.
Carbon Copy Pro has the materials, the coaches, and the proven track record so you really need to use everything that you have available to you.

While I have been doing this for a little while now, and have had definite success, it was just this week that it dawned on me that I was stuck getting ready. I need to stop thinking about things and just do them. And what made me realize this was teaching a class at Aikido. Trying to have someone learn a martial art by speaking to them is nearly impossible, they need to do it to have that knowledge transferred into their brain to where it becomes a pattern of behavior. The same goes true for any knowledge that you need to apply. So I guess with this block is summed up with is take action stop trying to philosophize about things and just take a step towards what you want. I hope you take action and come along for the journey. I would love to be your coach and transfer the knowledge you need to become the success you desire. 

Head over to

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting things done

Today I learned that if you really want something, all you have to do is ask, and try hard.  I've been pushing towards goals for a while, but I was trying to do it all on my own without communicating it to anyone, even people I've known for 20 years.  This is a mistake.  Even if you have a fear their reaction, sometimes it's good just to put it out on the table so that you can see your idea for yourself.  Once you verbalize something, it can be easier to visualize it.  And once you visualize something your brain will tend to point your actions in a direction to fulfill that visual goal.  Plus, you never know.  By sharing, you may gain an ally that will springboard you to where you want to be in life.  The worst kind of anxiety is not knowing.  And that will keep you from succeeding.  So again, I will tell you to take action, take a step towards your goals.  I would be more than happy to help you get there. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Done for the weekend. Are you?

Time to enjoy the weekend.  I spent the day at home (as usual) working on my own home based business (check it out at as well as my martial arts site ( and now I'm going to enjoy the rest of the weekend training at the Aikido weapons seminar, and just relaxing the rest of the time.  Enjoy everyone!

Don't waste time getting ready

Something I heard listening to a webinar the other night was "Don't waste all of your time getting ready to begin". That is great advice, and so I've taken it to heart and today I am head down, sleeves rolled up going for it. Take the steps you need as I'm doing. Being able to work from home and have the lifestyle I want is worth it. Not that I'm even working nearly as hard or long as I did when sitting in that dull blue cubicle. Feel free to ask me how I did it. I'll check in later and let you all know what I got done.
Video of me working from home

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time Management

This is perhaps the toughest issue for anyone. But it's especially important for people who want to work from home, or run their own business. There are many methodologies and no single one works for everyone. A very nice website that may help you is It is one of the many sites/applications that people at the team runs. I find them very useful to set goals, reminders, priorities, etc... They even have functionality to give you updates via mobile phone. Another thing that helps me is to ask myself everyday "What can I do today to help me reach my next objective?"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life postponed work, and it was good

So, I didn't get to create the video and notes I wanted to get out for you guys because instead I watched a great Flyers game. I am sure that tomorrow after shoveling the snow in the morning I will have nothing better to do, and besides, I really want to share with everyone what I've been lucky enough to find. Working when I want is great.

Remember when you're thinking about work and what you want to do, not to look at things you know you don't want. Imagine it like racing, if you skid, you don't want to look at the wall, or you'll hit it.

Joe Varano
Ttrue Victory is Self Victory

Daily Maintenance stuff

Well, I found out this morning that emails weren't getting to my business website. Nice eh? Finally fixed that (it was an MX record error on their part). Now I've been playing house husband which is fine with me because I love working from home. Now to go food shopping and hopefuly pick up the new NordicTrack FreeStrider 35 S we ordered. Can't beat 0% financing for 12 months!

Tonight time to make some more videos and posts. I think I'm going to delve into the tribulations of my ex-corporate life, as well as explain what you can do to start weaning off the corporate bottle, which is never enoug anyway.

Talk to you soon!

Joe Varano

True Victory is Self Victory

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today is the Turning Point

Good Morning Everyone!

Most people decide to start their New Year's Resolutions on January 1st. Whether it's to lose weight, stop smoking or drinking, remodel the house, fix their finances, start a new business, etc.. I waited on purpose because I wanted to act with purpose. I have already set everything in motion to live my new self designed lifestyle. No more cubicles, office politics, grueling hours, and definitely no more trading my time for a paltry wage. I am engineering my improved way of life in a way that will help people do the same. I will define and create the business to allow me to not follow my dreams but to live them. In this space, I'm going to share with you free information so that perhaps you can do the same. Feel free to contact me or leave comments on what I leave here. I will also be talkig about my daily life and what I've done (for better and worse) to get where I am. Good morning indeed everyone. Welcome to 2010!

True Victory is Self Victory

Joe Varano