Friday, March 26, 2010

Balance for people running their own show

It gets harder and harder in this world of excess (too much information, too much to do, too much to spend, etc) for the average person to prioritize well enough to actually accomplish their goals. Notice I said the average person. Most people who are entering into their own person are by no means average. They have decided to take action, they are implementing a course of events they believe will put them and their loved ones, and/or associates, in a better position. Of course, being this type of person could make my 1st statement all the more germane. In the beginning of any home based business, small business, or MLM, you put (I say you, but to be honest, that was me too) a gigantic amount pressure and stress on your shoulders, which makes it even MORE difficult to concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes at a time.  We all want to do everything, help everyone, learn and read everything anyone has ever written, blogged, recorded, you tubed, and Tweeted about network marketing that exists. (I need to breathe after that sentence)

The key I have learned from those who have already succeeded (which is what you want to do) is to take 3-8 minutes at the end of your day, turn off your TV, and make a quick to do list.  Not a goal list of what you want to own a year from now, or what kind of car you want to drive.  Those are valid goal and dream lists, but they're not what you do EVERY day.  Let me give you an example of my list for tomorrow (notice I give an estimated time I want to perform. This helps to give yourself time limits and be more efficient):
  • Pick up prescription - 1 hour round trip
  • watch 2 instructional videos on CCPro website - 45-60 mins
  • watch/listen to 1 training from Mike Dillard's site - 45-60 mins
  • Research more into Google Keywords marketing (cost/benefit) - 45 mins
  • Make turkey meatballs and sauce - (40 mins)
  • Throw in Laundry (5 mins)
  • Practice Bass guitar - 45 mins
  • Make video for blog and you tube (and utilize web 2.0 sites) - 35 mins total time
  • Aikido - 3.5 hours round trip (2 hours class) - remember HD camcorder
There, as I watched it took 6 minutes to write that up, and honestly it only took that long because I wanted to make sure you would understand everything.  Usually I put everything on a pad and paper next to my laptop.
Do this for EVERY day.  Even on the days you plan on resting just write one bullet point and write REST.  As you check things off, you learn to dissipate any feeling of being overwhelmed.

Everyone, have a good night, and PLEASE, never hesitate to ask me a question.  I do this so that YOU will succeed.

Joe "AikidoJoe" Varano
Feel free to check out my site where I go into the business side of things more.

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