Monday, March 29, 2010

So I changed my intro

Hello Everyone. Please remember that just because you made a video or blog or tweet, etc, about a certain subject, it does not mean that you can not create a brand new one about the VERY SAME THING. Now, some of you might be saying, but that's almost like SPAM. Well, I certainly don't want ANYONE just changing a word or two, posting it back up and representing it as completely new copy. That will not get you anywhere with perspective clients, and CERTAINLY could get you banned from various social media and/or search websites.

What I did here, was to rethink what I was trying to say as an introduction of myself and Carbon Copy Pro. Yes, there is some data that is the same, but if you compare, the level of detail is completely different and the focus is no where close. Here is basically what I said in the new video:

Hello everyone. My name is Joe Varano. Normally this is where a lot of people begin their very long and drawn out story about themselves.

You want to know about me? I can sum it up fairly quickly.

I'm a kidney transplant patient that worked in the cubicle farms of corporate america for over a decade. I'm also a martial artist and have been a practitioner of a traditional Japenese martial art called Aikido since 1992 and am now also an instructor. Being an Aikido instructor has been one of my dreams for a long time. Yes, you just heard that. I have already accomplished one of my lifestyle dreams. As I grow my business, I am closer to many more, including buying a 3rd home in a warm locale. Now, let's get to the real reason I want to talk to YOU.

I want to somehow convince you to take action today. I knew at my last corporate position after getting a pay cut while the directors and higher received their bonueses that I would never work for someone else again. I'm not a rocket scientist, and haven't cured any major diseases. What I did was take action. I did my homework (which I want you to do as well), looked at who was successful while still living the type of lifestyle I wanted. I then learned as much as I could about what they did day to day, who they networked with, what they learned and who they modeled to get where they are. And I did and am still doing the same thing. You can to. I mean it. Today, right now, you can make the decision, enter in your information, and I'll begin to bring you into the same world of ultra successful entrepeneurs. That's right. I'm willing to give my time to you, one on one,as long as you really are interested and put effort into this, and show you how to begin to reach for your dreams.

I hope you come along with me. I hope to see you on the other side of this page. Thank you. Have a great day, and remember: True Victory is Self Victory!

You can see the video here:

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