Thursday, April 15, 2010

Organic Food

There's a lot of debate about Organic Food, but it's not just about whether you should eat it. Personally, I think it just makes sense to put in as few chemicals into your body as you can help. Being a Kidney Transplant, a martial artist, and already on several various medicines and other surgeries, I think my body has been through enough. I have also newly taken on an endeavor to start my own network marketing and wealth education business. I have found that because I am a driven person, I have been putting more effort into getting it started correctly than I ever did in the corporate world, although that could be a hefty load as well.

But there's also a real debate about the definition of what Organic is. Many companies are trying to squeak into the market (which has seen increased profits, and can market themselves at a higher price point) by just doing the legal minimum, or sometimes not even that. Know your sources. Do your research, ask questions. It does NOT take up that much more effort.

Here's a good article on the subject.

True Victory is Self Victory

Joseph "AikidoJoe" Varano

Gateway to Wealth -

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